Sun and Concrete
Based on the novel by Felix Lobrecht. The four Friends Lukas, Julius, Gino and Sanchez are trying to survive the everyday life in Neukölln, Berlin between Drugs, Gangs, Rap, Violence and Boredom. Until they are one day making a serious decision with serious consequences because of a dead certain Plan.
Berlin-Gropiusstadt in the record summer of 2003. The parks stink of dog shit, shards of glass everywhere, dealers standing in the corners. Whoever lives here is a gangster or a victim. Lukas (Levy Rico Arcos), Gino (Rafael Luis Klein-Heßling) and Julius (Vincent Wiemer) are such victims. No money for the swimming pool, no luck in love and only stress at home. When they want to buy weed in the park, they get caught between rival dealers. They beat up Lukas and want 500 euros in protection money. How is Lukas supposed to find the money? His new classmate Sanchez (Aaron Maldonado-Morales) has an idea: simply break into the school, drag the new computers out of storage and sell them. Then they'll be rid of all their money worries. The plan succeeds. Almost.
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