
East facade of Kino International in Berlin. (© Daniel Horn / Yorck Kinogruppe)
Yorck-Kino GmbH Rankestraße 31 10789 Berlin

Head Office

Please contact our guest service (see below) for questions regarding bookings, not the head office.Tel.: 030 / 212 980 0 Fax.: 030 / 212 980 99e-Mail:
No reservations possible.

Guest Service

030 322 931 322
Wir nehmen nicht an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teil und sind dazu rechtlich auch nicht verpflichtet. Geschäftsführer: Heinrich-Georg Kloster, Dr. Christian Bräuer Handelsregister Dresden HRB 26697 Umsatzsteuer ID: DE136620008Jugendschutzbeauftragter (gemäß § 7 Abs. 1 JMStV neu): Daniel Denzin,

Film data

For some of our films, individual film data such as posters, trailers, directors and film length are automatically provided by The Movie Database (TMDb). This is done via a so-called API. TMDb has no active connection to Yorck-Kino GmbH.
Go to TMDb website

Terms of use

1. General

We provide our website for your personal use and reserve the right to expand, restrict, change or discontinue our website at any time. We would like to point out that errors and changes at short notice are also possible in the schedule as well as in the information on the age rating and can be carried out at short notice without further notice.

2. Responsibility for contents

Our responsibility for content is governed by the statutory provisions. We are not responsible for the content and services of our partners and advertisers. The providers of these sites are responsible for the content of the sites to which we provide access by means of cross connections (links). We hereby expressly distance ourselves from any extremist, personality-infringing, illegal or otherwise offensive content. The same applies to such content on our own website, insofar as we are not yet aware of it.

3. Intellectual property

Our website and essential content are protected by trademark rights as well as copyright and related rights and may not be used without the consent of the respective rights holder.© Yorck Kinogruppe