Kinderfilm des Monats

Age-appropriate films curated by the Kinderkinobüro
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Educational and entertaining cinema experiences

With the children's film of the month for children of primary school age, the children's cinema office presents interesting films every month, whose themes, content, design and length are tailored to the needs of young cinemagoers. Children are offered what is a matter of course for adults: an attractive and varied cinema experience. The difference is: here, great cinema costs little money!
(030) 23 55 62 51
Information about the current Kinderfilm des Monats at
available in the following cinemas:
  • Filmtheater am Friedrichshain, Prenzlauer Berg
  • Yorck Kino, Kreuzberg
  • Kant Kino, Charlottenburg
Entrance fee is 4,00 € per student.