Special Screening: Bêmal

In cooperation with HÁWAR.help and with a Q&A

Monday,  09.09.2024

Between the hope of return, the longing for peace, the fight for justice and the celebration of life and survival, “Bêmal” is not only about the constant struggle for existence of the Yazidis, but also about the unlosable core of being human in general: the urge for freedom and autonomy as well as the dignity of the individual.

Followed by a Q&A with the director and human rights activist Düzen Tekkal and the director David Körzdörfer as well as the protagonists Layla Mirza, Tahsin Mirza, Jana Kheyri and Bascal Kheyri.


August 3, 2024 marked the tenth anniversary of the genocide committed by the so-called “Islamic State” against the Yazidis in northern Iraq. The terrorist militia wanted to wipe out the religious minority. Thousands of Yazidis were killed, enslaved or displaced. The documentary accompanies young Yazidis who survived this genocide. Four siblings tell of violence, captivity, enslavement and humiliation, but also of courage, hope and new beginnings. 

Special Screening: Bêmal

In cooperation with HÁWAR.help and with a Q&A
Monday,  09.09.2024